The INTERNET is not anything like it was back in 1994, 2004, or 2014. In the 11 years that we've just lived through, changes in information searches, the addition of CHATBOTs and AI to most search engine sites have really made the listings we've maintained obsolete. Other than we like them and have singled them out for their no bullshit, PRE-2K, 1.0 approach to information, we will keep those that remain here so we, the people behind, can use them as we need to and not give any more info-fodder to the big engines in the net. J. and A., March 2025.
Grammar Links |
Common Errors In English The title says it all. A wealth of information on common mistakes in English grammar. We recommend this site. (No ADs. ) |
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) Grammar . A wealth of grammar information. |
Technical Writing by Dr. Ronald B. Standler.(No ADs.) |
Strunk's Elements of Style. The basics on grammar rules.(No ADs.) |
Guide to Grammar and Writing Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Charles Darling. (No ADs. Donation requested.) |
English Grammar Grammar lessons, exercises, and rules for everyday use. A good deal of content including PDF grammar lessons and NO advertising, just like this site. |
Wilton's Etymology Page Etymology is the study of word origins. It is not the study of insects; that is entomology. Where words come from is a fascinating subject, full of folklore and historical lessons.(ADs,Script count 3) |
| English Grammar Online |
Grammarian Pro Software Support |
References, Dictionaries, Thesauri |
Wiktionary Wiktionary, the free dictionary, millions of entries with English definitions from over 400 languages.(No ADs.) |
What is COPYLEFT? GNU Operating System. (No ADs.) |
ASCII Characters for Windows Operating Systems Look up how to insert a emdash (–) or a square root sign (√) or other characters. Generated from a manual on MS/DOS 5.0 with links to other character maps.(ADs on Linked Pages.) |
Internet Public Libraray The site is preserved but no longer updated, e.g. CLOSED. (No ADs.) |
The WWW Virtual Library A good source of English and other language references such as standard dictionaries, thesauri, rhyming dictionaries, quotations, and abbreviations. (No ADs.) |
Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names Do you need to find your coordinates? This site may have them.(No ADs. Script Count 25) |
A Glossary of Literary Terms by Robert Harris.(No ADs. Script count 13) | A host of services, some commercial, some free, (NoScript Count 28). |
The Internet Archive The WAYBACK MACHINE, Libraries, Audio, Film, Software, this is the original! |
Getty Research Library An overview of the Getty resources available online.(No ADs. Script count 18) |
United States Copyright Office - Library of Congress.(No ADs., Script count 12) |
Online Catalog - Library of Congress - It starts with a FAQ page from which you can access several search methods. (No ADs) |
International System of Units from NIST United States National Institute of Standards and Technology.(No ADs.) |
BIPM INTERNET Bureau International des Poids et Mesures - International Bureau of Weights and Measures (in French and English).(No ADs.) |
WordNet a lexical database for the English language.(No ADs.) |
Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions. Define your world. (The blurb is from the website, it is not good grammar.)(ADs, Lots of scripts) |
Monty Python Dictionary Definitions of terms used in the works of Monty Python. Links to other Python trivia, No ADs. |
Welcome to Wikipedia(No ADs.) |
Composition, Editorials, and Miscellany |
Bill Walsh's (1961 - 2017) "The Slot" A Spot for Copy Editors Witty and just good reading with a newsroom slant.(ADs.) |
Atlantic Monthly's Word Police Do you have what it takes to be a Word Police Officer?" (No ADs.) |
Courses and Exercises |
Daily Grammar An online English grammar study course, now WITH ADs! |
Texts, Reviews, and Mythology |
New York Review of Books One of the best literary periodicals with a definite liberal slant but great reading! (ADs.) |
Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, and Drama including Irish periodicals, theater, fine arts and even food.(No ADs.) |
Cory Doctorow's BLOG - updated often with some of the best writing on and about the internet you can find.(No ADs - Private)
The Encyclopedia Mythica - Mythology, folklore, and legend. (ADs.) |
IEEE Spectrum is the magazine and website of the IEEE. (AD BLOCK recommened.) |